Sunday, January 4, 2015

26 Wishes

“May your coming year be filled with magic and dreams and good madness. I hope you read some fine books and kiss someone who thinks you're wonderful, and don't forget to make some art -- write or draw or build or sing or live as only you can. And I hope, somewhere in the next year, you surprise yourself.”

~ Neil Gaiman

Dear Friends and Family,

I didn't get it together to send a holiday card this year. Not that any of you are counting, but this is the third year I haven't gotten it together to send a holiday card. In January 2013 I actually ordered cards, but then I started thinking about leaving my marriage so sending out a family holiday card seemed just the tiniest bit inappropriate. In January of 2014, I took a super cute photo of my kids and my dog, but decided holiday cards were a luxury I should forgo in light of my limited finances. This year? Mostly it's inertia I'm embarrassed to admit. But, although I am too lazy and busy to mail a card, I am not without wishes for the coming year, wishes for my life and yours. So, in no particular order, in 2015 may we:

1. Get enough rest so that we're awake for our lives.
2. Read good books and talk about them with friends.
3. Eat good food, preferably around a table with family and good friends.
4. Walk in the woods and settle into the silence.
5. Walk on the beach and appreciate the magnitude of the ocean.
6. Hike in the mountains and experience awe and wonder.
7. Sing! -- around campfires, in churches, in backyards, along with the radio, fearlessly.
8. Face our fears and take risks.
9. Learn something new -- an instrument, a craft, a skill, about a person or period in history.
10. Make things -- homemade soup, fresh bread, stories, poems, art, whatever brings us pleasure.
11. Share ideas and have interesting conversations. Brainstorm.
12. Listen to music -- old favorites and something new and different.
13. Watch engaging movies with popcorn.
14. Invite friends out for coffee and conversation.
15. Send greeting cards to friends and family just because.
16. Make a new recipe and invite friends over to share it.
17. Spend time with our thoughts and dreams -- on long walks, writing in a journals, daydreaming.
18. Do something to make the world a little bit better -- take action on issues we care about.
19. Let go of things that aren't working for us anymore.
20. Do something joyful and spontaneous every now and then.
21. Tell the people we love that we love them -- regularly and often.
22. Listen more.
23. Say thank you a lot.
24. Help someone. Help a lot of someones. Ask for help when we need it.
25. Forgive -- other people and ourselves.
26. Ask ourselves often, what do I love. And therefore, how shall I live?

I feel optimistic about 2015. It is starting off on the right foot, with opportunities for growth right from the get go. Blessings friends. You enrich my life in big and small ways every day. Happy New Year!

With love and gratitude,

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